khojee gayee vastu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. For example, the discovery of sedimentary deposits causes a questioning of pyrométasomatiques deposits 2. From the discovery of America, on the contrary, this Europe bridgehead comes into its own 3. It was formed from the discovery in the sixteenth century of the Americas 4. Nevertheless, these excavations allow the discovery of entire sequences of prehistory and early history of Vietnam 5. One of the greatest works of mankind was accomplished when the discovery and conquest of the New World

Given are the examples of hindi word khojee gayee vastu usage in english sentences. The examples of khojee gayee vastu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., discovery.

Diamond mines of South Africa and discovery of oil in the Middle east lead to settling of people in these areas.

In his second year in high school, Richard Ebright began the research that led to his discovery of an unknown insect hormone.
The discovery of the first two noble gases helium and argon in 1890 suggested the possibility that there must be other similar elements to fill an entire family.
Seaborg, the discoverer of this element, in recognition of the pioneering role of the great Russian Chemist who was the first to use the periodic system of elements to predict the chemical properties of undiscovered elements, a principle which has been the key to the discovery of nearly all the transuranium elements.
To avoid such problems, the IUPAC has made recommendation that until a new element s discovery is proved, and its name is officially recognized, a systematic nomenclature be derived directly from the atomic number of the element using the numerical roots for 0 and numbers 1- These are shown in Table The roots are put together in order of digits.
The discovery of oil a product in great demand throughout the world, in Algeria, Libya and Egypt is constantly transforming the Sahara desert.
However, the Agarias helped in the discovery of a source of iron ore that would later supply the Bhilai Steel Plant.
The discovery of fire led to the practice of cooking and other processes while the invention of the wheel ultimately resulted in development of newer modes of transport.
All these and the discovery of gold in Klondike and South Africa helped keep deflation at bay till 192 Some economic historians attribute the Great Depression to this shortage of liquidity.
He gives all credit for his discovery to his eight-inch telescope which he calls Dibya.
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